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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Scheming Ponzi friend

9:35 PM |Unknown | | | Best Blogger Tips
Freezing cold buddy has arrived though a bit late, one exact month to be over-smartly precise. His icy smile, not so warm & sans a courtesy knock, eased his way to the comforts of my cozy Quarters. Fearful of being branded an inhospitable host, the keys are all his.

Sugary talks had already sealed mouths,(noses....deduced lately). And he allowed his shadowy friend to nap in the kitchen, play hide & seek in the wardrobe, roam in my pockets, ski along the reckless lines of my palms and befriend unarmed kids. Being a calculative socialiser, other notorious well wishers followed through links & tweets, real time.

Promises are many to keep, and not a single yard to go, forget about the miles, before I sleep.
With no iOS app to drive this shady slim, all I wish is a generous sunshine of the FEB, rainbow-like, warm and bright!

Devoid of all fears & the tears,
Let me show you the door outta here!